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This book could not have been written—indeed, the Rockridge Institute would not exist—without the generosity of our donors. To respect their privacy, we withhold their names, but we hope they understand the depth of our appreciation. We would be remiss not to mention the several institutional supporters that have given at unparalleled levels: the Open Society Institute, the Marguerite Casey Foundation, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the MoveOn Foundation, and the Wallace Global Fund. If this book justifies the confidence all our donors have shown in us and in our mission, then we have achieved a large measure of success.

We recognize the contributions of those who preceded us at Rockridge and upon whose efforts this book builds. We have also benefited mightily from the time and dedication of countless volunteers. Special thanks go to Kathleen Frumkin for her inspiration, ideas, and understanding. And we are indebted to Emily Plec and Kai Stinchcombe for their thoughtful readings and helpful suggestions.

Finally, we acknowledge the tremendous contribution of our editor, Safir Ahmed, who cleared his schedule and worked with us day and night to enable us to meet our tight deadline. His insights enriched the book while his calm demeanor kept us all on an even keel.